Embark on a frosty odyssey into the heart of "ARK: Fjördur," a land of icy tundras, towering peaks, and frozen fjords. In this harsh and unforgiving realm, survival is not just a challenge but a test of endurance against the elements. Amidst the snow-capped mountains and shimmering glaciers, adventurers will uncover a world rebalanced to offer both thrills and peril. With custom spawns and loot drops carefully tailored to enhance the gameplay experience, "ARK: Fjördur" beckons brave souls to brave its icy depths and discover the secrets hidden within.
Custom Spawns
Badlands: Reapers
Beaches: Crystal Wyverns, Sinomacrops, Featherlightt, Bulbdog
Redwoods: Carcharodontosaurus, Bloodstalkers
Beaver Dams: RollRats
Snow: Snow Owls
Swamp: Bloodstalkers, Rhyniognatha
* All added to the default spawns so all other dinos will spawn as normal
Custom Drops
All drops have customised loot tables designed to enable a new player to get into the action within a few hours.