Embark on a daring expedition to the enigmatic "ARK: Lost Island," a captivating realm teeming with untold mysteries and ancient wonders. Set foot upon pristine shores, verdant jungles, and mist-shrouded ruins as you navigate through a world rebalanced to offer both excitement and challenge at every turn. With custom spawns and loot drops meticulously crafted to enhance your journey, "ARK: Lost Island" invites intrepid explorers to uncover its hidden secrets and forge their destiny amidst its lush landscapes.
Custom Spawns
Badlands: Reapers
Beaches: Crystal Wyverns, Sinomacrops, Featherlightt, Bulbdog
Redwoods: Carcharodontosaurus, Bloodstalkers
Beaver Dams: RollRats
Snow: Snow Owls
Swamp: Bloodstalkers, Rhyniognatha
* All added to the default spawns so all other dinos will spawn as normal
Custom Drops
All drops have customised loot tables designed to enable a new player to get into the action within a few hours.