Embark on a thrilling adventure in "ARK: Survival Evolved" with our revamped version of the iconic "Island" map! Experience the excitement of survival in a dynamic world where every corner holds new surprises. We've meticulously rebalanced the gameplay, introducing custom spawns and loot drops to enhance your journey.
Custom Spawns
Badlands: Reapers
Beaches: Crystal Wyverns, Sinomacrops, Featherlightt, Bulbdog
Redwoods: Carcharodontosaurus, Bloodstalkers
Beaver Dams: RollRats
Snow: Snow Owls
Swamp: Bloodstalkers, Rhyniognatha
* All added to the default spawns so all other dinos will spawn as normal
Custom Drops
All drops have customised loot tables designed to enable a new player to get into the action within a few hours.