Embark on an epic journey across the mythical landscape of "ARK: Ragnarok," where ancient wonders and untold dangers await at every turn. In this sprawling world of breathtaking beauty and treacherous terrain, adventurers will discover a realm reborn, where the forces of nature collide with the remnants of a forgotten civilization. With rebalanced gameplay mechanics and carefully curated custom spawns and loot drops, "ARK: Ragnarok" offers a fresh and exhilarating experience for survivors seeking new challenges and untold treasures.
Custom Spawns
Badlands: Reapers
Beaches: Crystal Wyverns, Sinomacrops, Featherlightt, Bulbdog
Redwoods: Carcharodontosaurus, Bloodstalkers
Beaver Dams: RollRats
Snow: Snow Owls
Swamp: Bloodstalkers, Rhyniognatha
* All added to the default spawns so all other dinos will spawn as normal
Custom Drops
All drops have customised loot tables designed to enable a new player to get into the action within a few hours.